Second Hand Rose

A wedding proposal at a show! Combining two loves!

What’s better than bringing your love for music and your love for that special lady together in one place?! At one of Second Hand Rose‘s recent shows a fan proposed to his girlfriend, coming on stage with a huge bouquet of flowers for all the band and concert goers to see. It’s a totally sweet gesture, one that I’m sure Second Hand Rose and, of course, the lucky girl won’t forget anytime soon! I love seeing stuff like this!

For more Second Hand Rose, check out our mini interview with them Here!

A fan of Second Hand Rose proposed to his girlfriend at Second Hand Rose’s live show on May 13th. The band played Wedding March for this new couple. 在大连演唱会的表演现场,一位歌迷在二手玫瑰舞台上对相恋520天的女友深情告白并且­现场求婚。在二手玫瑰的热心帮助下,两位新人即将步入婚姻的殿堂。


(Source: Second Hand Rose)