Japanese rock band “Aobozu” releases their new music video, ‘Cymbals of Life’
Korean boy group “U-KISS” releases the music video to their new Japanese single ‘Tick Tack’
Japanese rock band “Mr.Children” release live performance footage of ?’I’
Japanese group “DEEP” releases the music video to new single ‘True Love’
Japanese rock band “Alice Nine” release the short version music video to their new single, ‘Rainbow Snow’
Japanese rock band “Unite” release their new music video, ‘Starting Over’, from 1st full album STARTiNG OVER’S
Japanese rock band “caligari” releases a snippet of their new and intriguing music video, ‘Dark Romance’
Japanese rock band “S.R.S” release the full MV to new single ‘Distant City’
Korean girl group “4Minute” return to the Japanese scene with their newest single ‘Ready Go’
Japanese singer/guitarist “Ito-Shohei” releases ‘Music On My Mind’ live performance video