New Korean boy group “Mr. Slam” release MV to ‘Don’t Call Me Baby’
Korean girl group “VALIANT” release MV to ‘Hip Hop Cat’
Korean emcee/singer “STi” reveals full MV to ‘Where is my LOVE’
Jason Chen’s new song ‘Invsible’ featuring Megan Nicole
This incredibly long title is brought to you by the Cantonese duo “my little airport”
Korean band “Eastern Sidekick” perform ‘The Exciting Song’ live!
Indie Korean band “Brown Pot” release MV to ‘Complete Destruction’
Cantonese duo “my little airport” release new video to ‘Send Letters and Sell Discs’
Round Eye: All the more reason to go back to China.
Korean singer “Heenain” releases the MV to new song ‘You’re A Jerk’