Filipino-American singer/songwriter/poet Michael Carreon releases spoken word, A Page In Her Diary!
I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been spellbound by an artists’ work. Michael Carreon‘s A Page In Her Diary is the tale of modern women, telling the story of a girl’s struggle with love as she copes with the burden of having to mend a broken heart while harboring feelings of hate.
The moment the poem ended I felt the need to spread the word. Michael Carreon is an artist who deserves mainstream attention, but the listening ear of the underground. His work has touched me, and I encourage him to continue onward.
Follow and support Michael by the following links:
Youtube Channel: mcarreon89
Twitter: @michaelcarreon
Store: michaelcarreon.bigcartel
Blog: michaelcarreon.tumblr
Facebook: Michael Carreon
(Source: mcarreon89 &