The sexiest is back with a new single!
If you ever wanted to be told off in the most respectful of ways then just watch Gain‘s teaser for her comeback track Fxxk U, where she delicately tells you to go fxxk yourself. It’s kinda funny to be honest lmao. And she really says it too, no bleeping out the curse word or anything. As far as the actual teaser goes Gain can be seen dancing behind a curtain while the jazzy track plays in the background. This 19+ comeback will arrive on the 28th and I’m hella excited. Who isn’t tho?
P.S. Gain definitely wanted to get people talking with this comeback and what a bold way to accomplish her goal. Especially in Kpop! Anticipation for me is at an all time high- I love this girl more and more with each comeback I swear!
(Source: LOEN MUSIC)