Filipino-American student-film production company Capture Movement Films release new short film, Falling apart!

After a few trailers and tons of hype, Capture Movement Films‘ newest short Falling apart has proven to be well worth the wait!

Falling apart is the story of two young adults who’s relationship begins on great terms, having something that many would consider perfect and lucky enough to experience a bond that everyone dreams of. It’s only when the two start becoming comfortable around each other, settling into the next stage of their relationship that feelings, and tempers, start to waver and run wild. With every argument the distance between them grows, eventually leading to heartache and confusion.

I think love themes touch people the deepest, whether they’ve been in a relationship before or have yet to experience one. Everyone has their own expectations of a relationship, but Capture Movement Films‘ newest short shows the many angles of love and touches upon areas many people are afraid to think about themselves. It’s not always bliss, and break up could very well happen. It’s what you do afterwards that shapes your future with that person.

(Source: CaptureMovementFilms)

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