Red Happy Birthday balloons

4 years strong!

Four years isn’t that long, but at the same time it kinda is. To have been writing damn near every day for this passion project has been such an experience- I’m thankful and appreciative for all of you that read and support FarEastVibes. Covering events, scoring awesome interviews and internet crate-digging to bring you music that’s highly underrated but so, so good- it really makes me happy and is something possible ONLY because of you guys. I will never understand how some people take their readers, supporters, fans, whatever they choose to call them, for granted. It’s because of all of you that click onto FarEastVibes and give it your attention that the site has become what it has, and allow it to continue to go where it’s headed. I’m proud of FEV, and so appreciative of everything it’s given me. Thank you, all! Here’s to another 4 years!!!

