Yeah… holy shit. So much has happened, so much can change, in a decade. Having something “tangible” like this website really helps put things in perspective. originally started on Tumblr under a completely different name. I remember dedicating several hours every single day to scouring the web for the latest Asian music releases to post on Tumblr, finally deciding to actually do it big and create a dedicated site of my own. And here we are, 10 years later, still alive and kicking and showcasing awesome Asian talent. I know I’m not as active as I used to be (the amount of free time I have now compared to 10 years ago is vastly different!), but I hope you all appreciate the massive archive that FEV has become. It’s a database filled with so much music spanning so many different genres, indie and mainstream. I’m really proud of that. I also hope you all know that FEV is not dead! Even if posts aren’t published as frequently they do still appear, and will continue to appear, because I believe in the work put into this site and the community it’s fostered. Many doors have been opened because of your readership and I am eternally grateful.
You know I was just a kid, an only child into a culture that, at the time, had little to no representation stateside. FarEastVibes was my outlet. It was my means of sharing my passion in the hopes of connecting with people from around the world, since I didn’t have that locally. So thankful to all of you, reader, artist, PR rep, alike. Everyone that I met through FEV has helped me to make so many dreams come true. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ve been waiting for this moment and can’t believe it’s actually here…